
首页 » 常识 » 灌水 » 2014123019
TUhjnbcbe - 2020/6/29 11:04:00

differnt cultrue

批改教师:孟依繁 ( 黑龙江省 哈尔滨市 哈尔滨创新学校 )

批改时间: 19:46:31



As we know . different country (countries) have different cultrue .so these cultrue how to understand each other .(so how these countries understand each other)Apparently. cultrue Festival is a(the)best medium ,which is a way of differentcountry of people(people of different countries)to know about each  abroad Chinese cities are known to many Foreigns(As is to known to many foreigns in abroad Chinese cities,itattributes the success to holding cultrue Festival)by holding cultrue  c(C)ultrue Festival ,wonderful folk-music-dance and delicious food is the mostattractive of part ,it is real that this is a useful way to let Chinese and other people of the world get to know each other .Not only dose this communication limit to cultrue ,but also expand to economy and erefore,cultrue Festival is very important to people of all over the nally ,I think that it is necessary to make different cultrue be together ,if so ,the earth will be a big family peacefully .

整体行文工整流畅,能让阅卷老师了解考生所欲表达的大意,其中又穿插了一些小短语、定语从句以及倒装等小亮点,为整体行文加分,算得上优秀的文章。但是也存在一些拼写及语法的失误,比如一些句子结构不清,不符合英文习惯用法,比如 in abroad 一句有些混乱,以状语开头但后面没有主谓宾仅衔接了一个方式状语使人不知所云。这是一定要避免的错误,以后可以多注意一下语法结构。再有可以使用一些更为高级的词汇短语以丰富文章质量,比如important已经老生常谈了,可以用significant等高级词语替代以达升华之效。另有一小疑问expand to 似指贡献之意,但此词组是扩展之意,不如试试contribute to 更以词达意。总体不错,再接再厉。

查看完整版本: 2014123019